CCTV Drain Camera Inspections - Geelong, Torquay, Ocean Grove, Barwon Heads
If you have an ongoing issue with your sewer or storm water drains blocking, it might be time to get to the bottom of what’s going on, with a CCTV drainage inspection.
Our range of cameras are suitable for domestic situations and you’ll receive a link to the video footage that you can save and perhaps have your insurance company assess, if appropriate.
It could be a hairline crack in a pipe that’s allowing tree roots to enter and expand, which is very common. It could be that your drain hasn’t been laid with the correct fall, or it may be that a section of drain has been crushed.
Whatever the problem, a CCTV inspection can locate where the issue is occurring, narrowing down the area where repairs or replacement may be necessary.
This is an article from our CCTV Drainage Cameras Geelong Series
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