Check your plumber’s qualifications for gas heater servicing

Is your plumber licenced to service and carbon monoxide test your gas heater?

It’s Carbon Monoxide Awareness Week.

Is your plumber licenced to service and carbon monoxide test your heater?

To service and safety check a gas heater or gas appliance, a plumber MUST BE LICENCED in the Specialised Class of GAS SERVICING  - TYPE A.

Not all plumbers can do it. It’s an additional qualification.

Never feel uncomfortable asking to have a look at your plumber’s licence to check for the tick.

This is what the licence should look like when a plumber is qualified to service your gas heater or gas appliance.

Call us today on 5261 2422 - we've got the tick!


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Gas Heater Servicing & Carbon Monoxide Testing | Geelong | Torquay | Tomlinson Plumbing
Gas Heater Servicing & Carbon Monoxide Testing | Geelong | Torquay | Tomlinson Plumbing