What does the Printed Circuit Board (PCB) in a heater do?

Gas Heater Servicing | Torquay | Geelong | Ocean Grove


The PCB serves as the central control unit, managing the various functions of the heater. You could say, it’s the “brain” or “director” of the heater.

Temperature Control:  The PCB monitors and regulates the temperature of the heater using temperature sensors (thermistors or thermostats). It ensures the heater maintains the set temperature by controlling the power supplied to the heating element.

Safety Features:  The PCB integrates safety mechanisms, such as overheat protection. It can shut down the heater if it detects any unsafe conditions.

Displays and Controls:  The PCB connects to the heater's user interface, which might include buttons, knobs, and a display screen. It interprets user inputs (eg. temperature settings, timers) and adjusts the heater's operation accordingly.

Power Supply Regulation:  The PCB ensures that the heater operates within safe electrical limits. It manages the power input and distributes it efficiently to various components like the burner and fan.

Diagnostics:  Some PCBs in heaters can also perform self-diagnostics, identifying faults like sensor failures, valve problems, or circuit issues, which can be indicated through error codes on the display.

If your heater is shutting down, be sure to look out on your controller for any error codes or symbols that are not usually there. This is a message from the PCB, indicating what the problem with your heater is.

Contact Tomlinson Plumbing on 5261 2422 for gas heater servicing and repairs.


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