Whirlybirds | Geelong | Torquay | Ocean Grove | Tomlinson Plumbing

Our clients are getting in early before Summer with whirlybird installations, to help reduce heat in their roof spaces. They’re ideal for helping to reduce condensation in the cooler months too. #roofventilatorsgeelong #whirlybirdsgeelong #roofventilatorstorquay #whirlybirdstorquay #roofventilatorsoceangrove #whirlybirdsoceangrove

Whirly Birds | Roof Ventilators | Tomlinson Plumbing | Torquay | Geelong | Ocean Grove| | Barwon Heads

First job of the New Year done and ventilation sorted for a Geelong client.Spinaway domestic ventilators help to exhaust hot air trapped in the roof space during the warmer months, and also assist in removing dampness and condensation during the cooler weather. #whirlybirdsgeelong #whirlybirdstorquay #whirlybirdsoceangrove #whirlybirdsbarwonheads #roofventilatorsgeelong #roofventilatorstorquay #roofventilatorsbarwonheads #roofventilatorsoceangrove #plumbergeelong #plumbertorquay #plumberbarwonheads #plumberoceangrove #ampelite #spinaway