Wood Storage Tips

Wood Heaters Geelong | Wood Storage Tips | Tomlinson Plumbing
Wood Heaters Geelong | Wood Storage Tips | Tomlinson Plumbing

Wood Heaters Geelong

Wood traps moisture, so it’s important that you split or cut larger pieces of wood before your store it, exposing the inner core to help it dry out.
It’s best to store wood under cover in a dry, well ventilated area. Wood stored off the ground on pallets or in a crisscrossed fashion allows air to circulate.
Wood should be stored for a good 12 months before you use it. This will ensure that the moisture content is between about 15 – 20%.
If you’re uncertain about the dryness of your wood, you can use a moisture metre to check the moisture level.
Only burn wood with a moisture reading of 20% and under. Anything over 20% will not burn correctly and will create a creosote build-up, which is a fire hazard, and is also a probable human carcinogen.
It’s important to note that treated pine or painted wood should NEVER be used in your wood heater.

This is an article from our Wood Heaters Geelong Series