High 5 a plumber today for World Plumbing Day!
World Plumbing Day is an initiative by the World Plumbing Council and is celebrated around the world every year on March 11. The day aims to spread awareness of the importance of plumbing and plumbers in protecting public health and improving amenity.
Plumbing is a major part of everyday routine such as having a shower, getting a glass of water from a tap and flushing the toilet. All of these tasks are possible thanks to trained plumbers and advances in plumbing.
But not everyone is as lucky as us here in Australia.
3 in 10 people worldwide (2.1 billion) lack access to safe, readily available water at home - and we can just turn on a tap.
361,000 children per year (almost 1,000 per day) under 5 die due to water born diarrhoea related diseases caused by open defecation near waterways - unimaginable here.
Education, training and community programs are helping, but it's going to be a long, long road before everyone has equal access to sanitation.
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