Saving Water Toilet flushing and garden watering is all sorted for our client in Geelong, with the installation of a 4,000 litre slimline Melro rain water tank and a Vada Rain2Main pump. You can also use rain water to wash your clothes, wash your car and top up the pool. Every bit collected helps. #savewater #weliveontheseconddriestcontinentonearth #rainwatertanksgeelong #rainwatertankstorquay #watertanksgeelong #watertankstorquay #savingwater #waterwisegardening #melrotanks #vadapumps
rain water tanks and pumps barwon heads
Rainwater tank and pump installed this week in Ocean Grove to help keep the garden happy during the Summer heat.There are so many different shapes and sizes available now that almost any property would have a spot for one. It’s worth considering – every drop counts.#savewater #rainwatertanks #rainwatertanksoceangrove #rainwatertanksgeelong #rainwatertankstorquay #watertankpumpstoquay #watertankpumpsgeelong #watertankpumpsoceangrove