Have you had additional exhaust fans installed, perhaps a new rangehood in your kitchen, or any other changes made to your home that would affect ventilation?
Changes to ventilation in your home can have an impact on how your gas heater operates. Some types of gas heaters are more sensitive to changes in airflow, and increasing ventilation may cause issues with carbon monoxide spillage coming back into the home, rather than out through the flue, so it's best to have a gas fitter licensed in Type A Gas Appliance Servicing to check it out for you.
In general, Energy Safe Victoria and the heater manufacturers recommend servicing gas heaters at least every 2 years, to not only check for carbon monoxide, but to help ensure heaters are kept in the best shape possible for optimal performance, reduced energy consumption, and overall longevity ~ and we all want our appliances to last as long as possible!
Give us a call on 5261 2422. We can help with the service and repair of all types of gas heaters ~ wall furnaces, ducted heaters, space/room heaters and gas log fires.
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