Rinnai Heat Pump Hot Water Systems – The Enviroflo GR Series

Rinnai Heat Pump Hot Water Systems | Torquay | Geelong | Ocean Grove | Barwon Heads | Drysdale | Clifton Springs | Tomlinson Plumbing

The Rinnai Enviroflo GR Series Electric Integrated Heat Pump hot water systems offer capacities of 215L, 280L and 300L, making them suitable for a variety of household sizes up to 6 people & 2 bathrooms.

The GR Series is PV compatible, allowing for integration with solar energy systems to enhance efficiency.

These systems operate effectively under water pressures up to 1000kPa (most households have up to about 500kPa of pressure), ensuring durability and dependable performance. Plus, they utilise R290, an environmentally friendly refrigerant, making them a more sustainable choice for your hot water requirements.

Some key features:

• Innovative controller to maximise hot water availability while using more than 70% less energy*
• High efficiency R290 refrigerant with a low Global Warming Potential of just 0.02.
• Multiple operating modes (Standard/ECO/Hybrid/ Electric/Vacation).
• Operates in ambient air conditions ranging from -7°C to 45°C.
• Built in anti-frost function to protect the evaporator in colder climates.
• Inbuilt electric element to ensure you always have a reliable supply of hot water.
• Auto disinfection preventing the potential growth of legionella.
• Auto restart function - in the event of a power outage it will automatically restart once the power is re-instated.
• Option to run only at off-peak times, when the electricity cost is lower.

Tomlinson Plumbing can help you with the installation, repair and service of all types of hot water units and heat pumps.

Give us a call on 5261 2422 for a free, no obligation quotation.

*Energy saving based on a Rinnai Enviroflo GR Series Heat Pump when compared to a standard electric water heater of the same capacity during peak winter load in Zone 3 and 4 based on AS/NZS4234. Savings will vary depending on location (Zone 1-5), type of water heater being replaced, hot water consumption and associated fuel tariffs.


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