Gas heaters – Torquay, Geelong, Ocean Grove, Barwon Heads & surrounding areas There are a few reasons why your heater may be constantly starting and stopping. Firstly, how often is constant? Most models of heaters have thermostats, so when the heater reaches the set temperature on the thermostat, it switches itself off because the room … Read more
gas heater service barwon heads
21 years of dust was removed from a wall furnace fan today. No wonder it was labouring a little! It’s important to have your heaters serviced & safety checked at least every two years – not only to check for carbon monoxide, but to also help the heater operate as efficiently as possible and avoid … Read more
Heater fans can get really clogged up with fluff, dust and pet hair, and sometimes that can make the heater shut itself down to prevent over-heating.Make sure you book your gas heaters in for a clean, service & safety check at least every two years. #playitsafewithgas#gasheaterservicesgeelong#gasheaterservicestorquay#gasheaterservicesoceangrove#gasheaterservicesbarwonheads#carbonmonoxidetestinggeelong#carbonmonoxidetestingtorquay#carbonmonoxidetestingoceangrove#carbonmonoxidetestingbarwonheads#masterplumbergeelong#masterplumbertorquay