Thermostatic Mixing Valves - Geelong | Torquay | Ocean Grove | Clifton Springs | Drysdale | & surrounding areas
Thermostatic mixing valves play a vital role in preventing scalding injuries and controlling the growth of Legionella bacteria.
TMVs are designed to blend and regulate hot and cold water, even if there are fluctuations in the supply, to maintain a specific and safe temperature at the outlet. This is usually around 49° to prevent scalding.
Legionella bacteria thrive in temperatures between 25° to 42°, so by keeping water temperatures outside of this range, TMVs help inhibit the growth of Legionella.
Proper installation, annual servicing and maintenance, and integration with comprehensive water management plans are essential to maximise their effectiveness.
Contact Tomlinson Plumbing on 5261 2422 – we’re licenced in this specialised field.
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