The dripping pipe on your hot water system is there for a reason!
We’ve found this very informative paragraph on the Rheem website in relation to the Temperature Pressure Relief valve and drain line on your hot water heater. It sums things up perfectly and applies to all hot water heaters.
“Warning: Never block the outlet of this valve or its drain line for any reason. It is recommended that you operate the easing lever on the temperature pressure relief valve once every six months. This is achieved by gently lifting the lever or pulling the cord attached to the lever. It is very important you pull and release the cord or lever gently. DANGER: Failure to do this may result in the water heater cylinder failing, or under certain circumstances, exploding. If water does not flow freely from the drain line when the lever is lifted, then the water heater should be checked by your plumber. The temperature pressure relief valve should be checked for performance or replaced at intervals not exceeding 5 years, or more frequently in areas where there is a high incidence of water deposits.”
Small amounts of water discharging from your valve or drain line is normal during heat up. If you have a continuous trickle or a heavy flow, then this indicates that there are issues with your hot water system that need some attention.
Call us today on 5261 2422 – we can help you with all of your hot water requirements in Geelong, Torquay, Anglesea, Barwon Heads, Ocean Grove & surrounding areas.