Pressure Limiting Valves protect your appliances

Pressure Limiting Valves | Geelong | Torquay | Barwon Heads | Ocean Grove | Clifton Springs | Drysdale | Tomlinson Plumbing

Pressure Limiting Valves Geelong, Torquay, Barwon Heads & Ocean Grove.

Do you have new taps, a dishwasher or washing machine at your place?

You’ll more than likely need to make sure you have a pressure limiting valve (PLV) installed so they perform at their optimum level and so you don’t void your warranty.

The pressure limiting valve (PLV)  is a type of valve used to control or limit the amount of water pressure from the mains supply into your property and your appliances.

It looks like a simple piece of metal attached to your water metre, but it really is a very sophisticated piece of engineering (there are also other types of valves that can be installed at the appliance itself).

Some tap and appliance manufacturers require households to have a pressure limiting valve installed to uphold the warranty of their products.

So, as boring as it is, it really is very important to read through the manufacturer's instructions and manuals to see if it applies to your newly purchased product, so that your product performs to the best of its ability and in the event of a warranty claim, you know you're protected.

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