Make sure you get a copy of the ‘Appendix E’ when you have your gas log fire (or any gas appliance for that matter) serviced & safety checked….. When you have your gas log fire serviced and safety checked, it’s important to note that you should see it in pieces on the floor! Your gas … Read more
gas heater servicing geelong
Like any other piece of mechanical equipment, gas heaters undergo wear and tear over time (especially in Victoria!). Ideally, we want to get as much life out of our appliances, or as much bang for our buck, as possible – so maintenance is key. A heater operating properly, not straining to function because its fan … Read more
Heaters are expensive appliances to replace. Regular servicing (at least every two years) ensures they are kept in the best shape possible for optimal performance, reduced energy consumption and overall longevity. Regular servicing allows for proactive maintenance of your gas heater. Potential issues can be detected as early as possible, helping to reduce more expensive … Read more
A pilot assembly on a gas heater is a component that is responsible for creating and maintaining a small flame, known as the pilot light. The pilot light serves as an ignition source for the main burner of the gas heater. Here’s how it typically works: Ignition: When the gas supply to the heater is … Read more
Heater fans can get really clogged up with fluff and dust and sometimes that can make the heater shut itself down to prevent over-heating. Make sure you book your gas heaters in for a clean, service & safety check at least every two years. #gasheatersafety#carbonmonoxideawareness#gasheaterservicestorquay#gasheaterservicesgeelong#gasheaterservicesoceangrove#gasheaterservicesbarwonheads#masterplumbergeelong#masterplumbertorquay#masterplumberoceangrove#masterplumberbarwonheads