Many commercial and industrial properties are required by Barwon Water to have back flow prevention devices installed, which makes sure our water is safe for drinking, bathing and processing food.
Back flow occurs when water flows opposite to its normal or intended direction.
Installing a back flow prevention device/valve, ensures that water from a property cannot be drawn back into the main drinking supply, preventing potential pollutants from causing contamination.
Valves need to be tested and serviced every 12 months by an appropriately licensed plumber.
It is more than likely a legal requirement for you to have a back flow prevention device installed if you have any of the following businesses:
· Abbatoir | · Medical surgery |
· Car yard | · Mortuary |
· Car / plant washing facility | · Nursing home |
· Caravan park | · Panel shop |
· Dental surgery | · Pathology laboratory |
· Dry cleaner | · Petrol station |
· Factory | · Premise with chemicals |
· Food & beverage processing plant | · Premise with grey water re-use system |
· Hairdressing salon | · Premise with rain water tanks |
· Funeral home | · Public swimming pool |
· Hospital | · Restaurant / Café |
· Hotel | · Sanitary depot |
· Marina | · School / University / Day Care |
Under Barwon Water's backflow prevention containment policy, new and existing commercial, industrial and residential properties rated as medium or high risk of contaminating the water supply are required to have appropriate backflow prevention device/s installed at the main water meter.
Each device must be tested annually by an accredited backflow prevention plumber to ensure it continues to work efficiently to stop backflow from entering the water supply.
Give us a call on 5261 2422 if you need your backflow valve tested - we have the necessary accreditation.