What’s the right temperature for my hot water unit?
We came across the following information on the Victorian Building Authority’s website and wanted to share with you how important it is to make sure your hot water system is set to the correct temperature.
In 1998 the Victorian Government passed legislation aimed at eliminating the risk of legionella bacteria forming in storage hot water services, whilst preventing scalding at hot water outlets used for bathing. As a result, hot water must be stored at a minimum temperature of 60 degrees to kill legionella bacteria. To prevent scalding, this must then be reduced to a temperature not exceeding 50 degrees at the water outlets of sanitary fixtures.
Before the introduction of temperature regulations, hot water temperatures in most Victorian homes were generally set between 65 degrees and 75 degrees. In some homes, the hot water temperature was even higher.
For skin to receive a major scald burn from water at 54 degrees, it would take 30 seconds. At 57 degrees it would take 10 seconds and at 68 degrees, it would take just one second.
The best way of preventing scalds in the bathroom is to reduce the delivery temperature of the hot water at the basin, bath and shower to 50 degrees. By law, all new hot water systems are required to comply with the Plumbing Regulations.
The previously mentioned settings are not bathing temperatures. Cold water still needs to be mixed with hot water. The maximum bathing temperature recommended for young children is 37-38 degrees. Hot water systems installed before 5 August 1998 are likely not be tempered but there are various ways of reducing the temperature of the hot tap water in the bathroom, dependent on your type of hot water system. For the best advice, talk to your Licensed or Registered Plumbing Practitioner, who may recommend:
- Installing a tempering value, which reduces the hot water temperature in the bathroom, but does not affect the temperature in the kitchen
- Installing a thermostatic mixing value that can be set to deliver hot water at a precise, safe temperature.
What else can I do to reduce the risk of burns in the bathroom?
- Always run cold water first
- Never leave a small child in the care of an older child, who may be able to turn on the hot water tap
- Take the child with you, if you have to answer the door or the telephone
- Never leave your child alone in the bathroom
- Keep the bathroom door closed when not in use.
Give us a call on 5261 2422 if we can assist you with your hot water system.
We can assist with all types of hot water heaters – Rheem, Rinnai, Vulcan, Aquamax, Bosch & more.