Thermostatic Mixing Valves – helping to prevent Legionella bacteria

Thermostatic Mixing Valve | Tomlinson Plumbing | Geelong | Torquay | Ocean Grove

Thermostatic mixing valves (TMVs) play a crucial role in preventing scalding injuries and controlling the growth of Legionella bacteria in water systems. Here's how they work as a safety measure against Legionella:

Control of Water Temperature:
TMVs are designed to blend hot and cold water to maintain a specific, safe temperature at the outlet. This is usually around 49°C to prevent scalding.
Legionella bacteria thrive in temperatures between 25°C to 42°C. By keeping water temperatures outside of this range, TMVs help inhibit the growth of Legionella.

Scalding Prevention:
TMVs ensure that the water temperature remains within safe limits to prevent burns or scalding injuries, especially in sensitive populations like children, elderly, or those with reduced mobility.

Maintain Consistent Water Temperature:
TMVs respond to changes in the temperature of the incoming hot or cold water. They adjust the mixture to maintain a constant outlet temperature, even if there are fluctuations in the supply.

Legionella Growth Inhibition:
By maintaining water temperatures above 49°C, TMVs help kill Legionella bacteria. At temperatures above 60°C, the bacteria can be rapidly killed off.

Risk Minimisation:
In situations where it’s not feasible to maintain high temperatures throughout the entire plumbing system (e.g., due to the risk of scalding), TMVs provide a localized solution by ensuring safe temperatures at the point of use.

Compliance with Regulations:
Many building codes and health regulations require the use of TMVs in certain settings, especially in healthcare facilities, nursing homes, and other high-risk environments where Legionella control is critical.

Monitoring and Maintenance:
Regular maintenance and monitoring of TMVs are essential to ensure they continue to function properly. This includes checks for proper temperature settings, flushing of the system to prevent stagnation, and periodic testing for Legionella. Testing needs to be conducted annually.

Integration with Water Management Plans:
TMVs are often an integral part of comprehensive water management plans aimed at preventing Legionella outbreaks. These plans may include measures like regular flushing of stagnant water, maintaining hot water systems at the appropriate temperatures, and using biocides or other water treatment methods.
Thermostatic mixing valves are a critical component in preventing scalding injuries and controlling the growth of Legionella bacteria. They do this by regulating water temperatures to levels that are both safe for users and inhospitable to Legionella growth. Proper installation, maintenance, and integration with comprehensive water management plans are essential to maximise their effectiveness.

Valves need to be tested and serviced annually. Contact Tomlinson Plumbing on 5261 2422 – we’re licenced in this specialised field.

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